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Mikey Wright & Rolo Montes | TIME
We enter on an exit. Late season Indo- Mikey and Rolo take the bet and head east. 17,000 islands-somethings gotta be working- hell, even a broken clock is right twice a day. Either way, It’s a welcome change of pace-Rolo coming up for air after a busy year and looking to slow things down Mikey getting back into the swing after a broken ankle and getting ready to ramp up.
There’s an old saying: “Opportunity only dances with those who are already on the dance floor’- and while Rolo and Mikey had never heard that saying- they are direct proof that it’s true. If you wanna win, you gotta roll the dice. Couple of waves, couple of fish, couple new friends- can’t ask for more than that.
Mikey, never one to let the momentum go to waste, took his good fortune and headed to Hawaii. We end with a new start.

The Original Scallop
In 1971, Quiksilver introduced the scallop hem allowing greater movement while surfing. The scallop shape merged function and style, becoming a timeless, iconic boardshort.